Logo de la UDC Logo de CIF Centros de investigación de la UDC: CITIC / CITEEC / CICA

Nuevo Centro de Investigación en Tecnologías Navales e industriales (CITENI) de la Universidad da Coruña (UDC) está ubicado en el Campus Industrial de Esteiro, Ferrol.

VISÍTANOS Campus de Esteiro s/n 15403 Ferrol, a Coruña. 881 01 34 00 citeni@udc.es

CITENI is conceived not only as a technology services centre for the local industrial fabric, but also as a centre for applied and basic research that works in close contact with the university world, and is capabble of generating new concepts for the design of the industrial processes of the future.

Automation and monitoring of industrial processes

Feasibility study of industrial processes

Organisation of production and logistics

Numerical and experimental analysis of fluid flows in industrial processes

Study of energy efficiency in buildings

Numerical and experimental analysis of structures

Quality control of raw materials or finished product under standard

Mechanical, rheological, chemical and thermal analysis of materials

Development of new materials for specific industrial applications

Product engineering and design

Naval and offshore engineering

Maritime safety

Training courses

Research benchmark