Logo de la UDC Logo de CIF Centros de investigación de la UDC: CITIC / CITEEC / CICA

Nuevo Centro de Investigación en Tecnologías Navales e industriales (CITENI) de la Universidad da Coruña (UDC) está ubicado en el Campus Industrial de Esteiro, Ferrol.

VISÍTANOS Campus de Esteiro s/n 15403 Ferrol, a Coruña. 981 33 74 00 citeni@udc.es


Comumunity of Valued Experts in Hydrometeorological and Technological Multi-Hazards

Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM) Call: UCPM-2022-KN/Project: 101101710COVALEX

Dates: 01/01/2023-31/12/2024

Amount UE: 774 359,00 €
Amount UDC: 154 871,8 €


COVALEX is a European project funded by the European Directorate-General for Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO). The key values of COVALEX are cooperation, trust and security. Its main objective is to strengthen European cooperation in civil protection and disaster prevention by promoting evidence-based governance. The project aims to establish a community of experts in hydrometeorological and multi-hazard events, as science can practically challenge these events and foster prevention, preparedness and testing processes.

Participation UDC

The UDC, in collaboration with its Chair of Emergencies, leads and coordinates the project. It manages decision-making and strategies, as well as promoting conflict resolution. It supports partners in administrative and financial matters. It also monitors their activities to optimise collaboration and efficiency in the use of resources. It actively participates in all project initiatives, such as hackathons, webinars and training courses.


COVALEX is a European project funded by the European Directorate-General for Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO).

You can consult all the information about the project on the website: