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Nuevo Centro de Investigación en Tecnologías Navales e industriales (CITENI) de la Universidad da Coruña (UDC) está ubicado en el Campus Industrial de Esteiro, Ferrol.

VISÍTANOS Campus de Esteiro s/n 15403 Ferrol, a Coruña. 981 33 74 00 citeni@udc.es


The Semi-Paracrystalline Organization in Polymers: Towards Stable Organic Solar Cells

Call for Applications: ERC Consolidator Grant (ERC-CoG) 

Dates: 01/01/202431/12/2028

Budget: 1.999.000€

Objective and participation of the UDC

The general objective of PARACRYST is to investigate the molecular organization of semiconductor polymers in order to understand their fundamental properties. This knowledge will then be used to design and develop more efficient and stable solar cells.

The study will focus on analyzing the structure and molecular dynamics of semiconductor polymers using advanced characterization techniques, with the aim of identifying the relationships between their molecular-level organization and their performance in photovoltaic devices.

The findings of this research will significantly contribute to the advancement of solar cell technology and open new opportunities for manufacturing more flexible, efficient, and sustainable devices in the field of solar energy.
