Logo de la UDC Logo de CIF Centros de investigación de la UDC: CITIC / CITEEC / CICA

Nuevo Centro de Investigación en Tecnologías Navales e industriales (CITENI) de la Universidad da Coruña (UDC) está ubicado en el Campus Industrial de Esteiro, Ferrol.

VISÍTANOS Campus de Esteiro s/n 15403 Ferrol, a Coruña. 881 01 34 00 citeni@udc.es


Creation of a cross-border axis for research and knowledge transfer in the aeronautics and space sector in the Galicia-North Portugal Euroregion.

Interreg VI-A Spain-Portugal Programme (POCTEP) 2021-2027

Total amount: 1.999.681,87 €
Amount UDC: 145.233,60 €


AEROGANP promotes research for the safe landing of drones on floating wind turbine platforms and ships near wind farms in the Galicia-North Portugal Euroregion. A cross-border cooperation network is established to develop a technology demonstrator and contribute to the development of research and innovation capabilities for transfer to the productive sector. The demonstrator includes a part of ‘big-data’ and satellite tracking in Guimarães (Portugal) and another part in which demonstrative pilots of advanced drone technologies will be carried out in the CIAR of Rozas (Galicia).

Participation UDC

The UDC will develop a mathematical model for predicting movements in adverse environmental conditions validated in the Hydrodynamic Test Channel of CITENI. This model will be used to design a portable drone landing/take-off platform with a compensatory mechanical-robotic system. The Galician Technological Institute will implement the platform, which will be tested in a land-based demonstrator that will simulate specific maritime movements and evaluate the compensation capacity to allow drone operations.


You can consult all the information about the project on the website: